The artist

Crédit photo : Hugues Lawson-Body
Gaëlle Choisne
Born in 1985 in Cherbourg.
Gaëlle Choisne lives and works in Paris. Represented by Air de Paris, Romainville (Greater Paris).
With a Haitian mother and a Breton father, Gaëlle Choisne tackles contemporary issues of catastrophe, resource exploitation, and vestiges of colonialism in opulent installations that blend Creole esoteric traditions, myths, and popular cultures. As a sculptor and video artist, she draws materials for her installations and films from her travels. Mercantile exoticism, literary imaginaries, and beliefs constitute the themes of a dynamic, generous, and social body of work.
She conceives her exhibitions as open and inclusive platforms, true spaces of sociability and collaborative work. She invites citizens, researchers, musicians, and artists to collaborate through research workshops, practical sessions, cooking classes, or improvised concerts.
Duo exhibition: “Lorna Simpson x Gaelle Choisne”, Reiffers Art Initiatives, Paris (2023). Recent solo exhibitions: Maât and the tears of god, Espace Croisé, AWARE Prize, Roubaix, France (2024); Temple of Love – To Hide, KfW Stiftung, Frankfurt, Germany (2024); “Immortelles”, A SUD, Fondazione Zimei, Pescara, Italy (2023); “Monument aux Vivant.e.s”, Musée National de l’histoire de l’immigration – Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris, France (2023); “Temple of Love — Atopos”, MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France (2022); “Temple of Love – To Hide”, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (2022); Nuit Blanche, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, France (2020); Temple of Love — Adorable, The Mistake Room, Los Angeles, United States (2020); Temple of Love, Bétonsalon, Paris, France (2019).
Group exhibitions in 2024: 15th Gwangju Biennale (South Korea); Toronto Biennale (Canada); Van Gogh et les Etoiles, Fondation Van Gogh, Arles (France); Revenir du présent, Regards croisés sur la scène actuelle / POUSH x Collection Lambert, Avignon (France); and Mermaid, Villa Medicis, Rome (Italy); and Collection Lambert, Avignon (France).Other recent exhibitions: Quotidien communs, La Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel, France (2023); Is something missing, Cu. Mother, Frac Corsica, Corsica, France (2023); Des corps, des écritures, Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, France (2022); The situation is fluid, Amsterdam Art Gallery, Rijksakademie collection, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2021); Inférieur 2020., cur. Musée d’art moderne de Paris, National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto, Japan (2021); Soft Water Hard Stone, Temple of Love — Love to Love, 5th New Museum Triennial, New York, United States (2021).Gaëlle Choisne is the winner of the 2021 AWARE Prize.
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